Monday, October 20, 2003

My website SoftwareFreaks got hacked a few days. Now I am planning to take down the website and write it from scratch. Any volunteers for help? Do write to me.

The new website shall contain message posting and commenting and user database. Maybe I'll add a chatroom. And reviews on books, software etc. And programming articles.

Need suggestions.

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Work on the mapper seems to be going on smoothly.

Umm... nothing else seemed to have happened in the last few weeks. Oh yes, I remember... aaa... nevermind, I forgot.

I've been posting on lately and have earned about a 1000 expert points in a week! I like the concept of this website. You have limited points to ask questions. If you answer others questions, you get expert points. If you earn enough expert points, you get unlimited question points. Or you can buy question points. It has kept the comments and answers to questions good, qualitywise.

More blogging next week... I hope Erik and Joe are still reading my blog.